15 June 2018

2017/18 Wrap Up!

With the conclusion of the academic year 2017/18, here's a photo montage of all the events that happened in the past year!

Freshers Fair
Fr Stephen and our CathSoc President Samantha!
Freshers fair was a chance for us to meet the new undergraduate and postgraduate students who are interested in the Catholic faith! We prepared an assortment of goodies - chocolates, sweets and information cards on Newman House, Churches near each Hall, mass timings, events for the year etc.
Fr Stephen (our society's spiritual director) also welcomed any questions on journeying in the faith in London!

Freshers Mass

We kick-started our programme for the year with our Fresher's mass in Week 1! It was a great time to meet fellow Catholics on campus over food and drinks, as well as to find out more about the CathSoc events planned for the year ahead. The committee also gave a crash course on all the tips and tricks of living in London as a student - best food places, student discounts and more!

MT Social - Nandos

Our first social of the year was at the Nandos next to school! It was a fun time of fellowship and chance to unwind as the mid-term work started to pile up. Fr Stephen also shared with us a glimpse of British culture and mannerisms! 

Oxford Pilgrimage

In October we joined Newman House for a pilgrimage to Oxford! The day started with a beautiful play on the the life and legacy of Blessed Archbishop Oscar Romero by RISE Theatre, followed by a guided tour of Catholic Oxford, led by students from the Oxford Catholic Chaplaincy. We visited many places, including historic Oxford sites, and places associated with the life of Blessed John Henry Newman.

The pilgrimage was also a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow Catholics from Newman House and other universities in London as well as the UK!

InterFaith Week

In November, in collaboration with the LSE Faith Centre and other religious societies on Campus, we hosted the annual InterFaith Week! It was a chance for students of all faiths (or none) to engage about religion, culture, and spirituality in an open, inclusive, and non-intimidating forum. 

Worth Abbey retreat

In Week 9, the CathSoc went for a retreat together with Newman House at Worth Abbey in West Sussex! It was a perfect time to unwind after a hectic Michaelmas Term and connect with God in prayer, fellowship, and nature! The 3 day 2 nights retreat consisted of faith formation talks, silent prayer time, hikes in the English countryside, delicious meals, and plenty of rest! 

We also joined the Benedictine monks in their morning prayers and had a glimpse of the monastic life and community. Organised by Newman House, it was a great time meeting fellow Catholic students and forming friendships!

Christmas Cards for Prisoners

For our last event in MT, we organised a volunteering opportunity - writing Christmas Cards for prisoners of conscience. Stationed in the Saw Swee Hock Building, we invited fellow students to pen down Christmas well wishes for people who have people who have been imprisoned because of their faith. These prisoners are falsely accused and/or fighting for human rights in various countries such as Cuba, Pakistan, Indonesia and Myanmar etc.

LT Social - Evensong at St Paul Cathedral

For our Lent term social, we attended the Choral Song at St Paul's Cathedral. The beautiful Anglican service was led almost entirely by music, with the Cathedral Choir singing preces and responses, the psalm for that evening, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis of the Canticles and also an anthem.

Inter-Catholic Society day of events

Together with Newman House and other campus Catholic societies, we organised an Inter-Catholic day where the different catholic societies came together for a time of prayer and games! It was a wonderful time getting to know each other over ice-breaker games, bible quizzes and charades, and food! Held at More House, it was also a day with God as we attended mass together and had a praise & worship session!

Inter-Faith panel: Is Marriage meaningful?

In March, we organised another Inter-Faith event with the LSE Faith centre and fellow religious societies. As young people in the 21st century, we find ourselves talking about relationships and undoubtedly come across many different views. Accompanied by respectful speakers, the panel was an opportunity to explore controversial and taboo topics regarding marriage, such as the roles of men and women in marriage, premarital sex, and same sex marriage.

LT Social - Epping Forest Hike

To end off the academic year, we set off for a relaxing hike in Epping Forest! Epping Forest was a perfect time to bask in nature after a hectic academic year and let loose on the swings made by fellow hikers! While hiking, we were lucky enough to catch a herd of wild deers cross the trail right in front of us!